Press Releases
Portable High Accuracy Microprocessor-Based Pneumatic Calibrator
The PCL-4001 series pressure calibrator can incorporate up to three separate pressure ranges and any combination of options for a truly unique calibrator. Each unit is equipped with dual display. The top display indicates the pressure in 11 engineering units and 2 custom units of your choice. The bottom display shows the electrical output of the sensor under calibration. Output can be displayed in millivolts, volts or milliamps. A unique feature of this calibrator is its ability to accept the test unitÆs electrical output and corresponding pressure range and display a percentage of full-scale error.
Priced at $3490.
For more information on this new product, contact OMEGA Engineering,
Inc.; or use our OMEGAfaxSM service to request Document #3187 by calling
1-800-848-4271 from any Touch-Tone phone.
For more information on this new product, contact OMEGA Engineering,